- LendingUniverse.com has the largest overall number of registered brokers and lenders on the Internet.
- The most respected lenders like Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Idymac Bank, Washington Mutual are among all other major participants.
- Thousands of local mortgage brokers.
- Thousands of local and specialty lenders.
- Hundreds of Private Investors who can fund loans that banks won't touch.
- All lenders are integrated to appraisers, escrows, notary publics, title companies and other service providers.
- LendingUniverse.com is not a broker and does not favor any particular lender. It is the only market place where anyone can participate in a true bidding competition to the sole benefit of the borrower.
- Commercial, residential, land and any other imaginable loan, including international loans.
- No limit on loan size. Personal and credit card loans from $500 up to $500,000,000 or more.
- Immaculate track record of performance and excellent service to all our members.
- Patent pending control center for the benefit of our clients.
- Super Affiliate program that will pay you not just on your referral but on second and third tiers of people you refer through other affiliates.
- Strong support to ensure you are making a lot of money with our Super Affiliate program.